

Dear Jesse,

Our little tidying group voted on a hashtag today. On February 2, 2015,‪#‎howdidigetsomuchshit‬ was born from the mind of creative genius Natalie Poulson. BIG, IMPORTANT things are happening behind the scenes.


As you can see, I was very busy today. Managing an election. This why I couldn’t clean up the house.

Capturing the struggle of our consumer culture, I believe this hashtag is the most important hashtag of all hashtags. ‪#‎minimalism‬



Dear Jesse,

Thrice I have gone into King Soopers & NOT bought this AMAZING pumpkin lantern for the LOW, LOW price of $34.99, using up all my will power.


Don’t even tell me that we’d have to store it for 10 months a year: 1) pumpkins are ALWAYS festive; and in case you disagree that jack-o-lanterns are an all-season decoration 2) we have a large, very unorganized shed in which we could surely make some space.



Dear Jesse,

I have solved the “how”of having difficult conversations: broach all of them via Facebook and see what happens. 


(Everyone should read this article.)


“When it comes to discussing tough topics, how, when, why, and even whether to express oneself are critical elements of productive conversations and, ultimately, relationship satisfaction. Weighing all the factors amounts to a complex psychological algorithm with the highest stakes: Get it right, and you can fortify relationships and boost your well-being. Get it wrong, and you can put a painful wedge between you and the people you love and need the most.”



Dear Jesse,

I am disproportionately burdened. 


But I guess this why I quit my day job? Home cooked meals???


“The traditional standards of ‘good mothering,’ the team posits, demanded that mothers manage an unrealistic balance of their own time, money, energy and focus, all while catering to the desires of their families. Participants in the study reported that picky eating habits from spouses and children, plus mismatched schedules, made arranging specific meals and mealtimes a Sisyphean effort.”

Iron Chef

Iron Chef

Dear Jesse,

This weekend, if you have plans to make anything that requires half & half, Mexican Coke, apple cider vinegar, beer, eggs, cream cheese, overripe bananas, and/or pickled jalapeños, then I’ve got you covered.

If you need any other ingredients, you might want to stop by the store.


We’re low in the food department.



Dear Jesse,

Here’s a list of all your fish that have lived in your birthday aquarium, both living & deceased, for you to think about at work today. 

 The Incredible Hulk   😥
 Dorothy :smile:
 Poop in the Tub :smile:
 Kung Fu Panda 😥
 Frog Sticker 😥
 Black Unicorn 😥
 Pink Lady Sif :smile:
 Hulk Dos 😥
 Giant VanRaemdonck 😥
 The New Frog Sticker 😥
 Orange is the New Black Unicorn :smile:
 Total Black Fin :smile:
 The New New Frog Sticker 1 :smile:
 The New New Frog Sticker 2 :smile:


# of fish to date: 14